My Favorite work of Literature

My favorite piece of literature is Watchmen by Alan Moore. While not a conventional choice for the category category because it is a graphic novel, it does have both complex philosophical and psychological themes. The novel entails an alternate version of history where costumed heroes are a reality. While many of an older generation of costumed heroes are slowly being […]

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WOM (February)

This month, I chose my word to be conflicted. As colleges are making decisions that will effect how I live the rest of my life, I’m facing insecurities about the rest of my life. The thought about whether any universities would even accept me at all had crossed my mind about a million times every […]

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How Mary Shelley uses religious inspiration in Frankenstein to create a classic gothic novel. (Senior Research Paper)

The definition of a classic novel is often debated amongst readers and writers alike. Many say it is a book or novel that has a lasting influence over a long period of time. Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein is one novel in the world of literature that accomplishes this ideal well. The book along with being […]

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The only word that could describe my month is Hectic. After nearly a month of break, I was tossed back into the chaotic ocean that is high school. The waves of homework covered me quite quickly, however I kept working and I’m still trying to keep my head above the water.

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A Critical look at Mr.Poe

Edgar Allen Poe is often praised as one of the best Gothic writers in all of literature. While critics often debate this title, there is no doubt that Poe’s short stories and poems are quite worthy of praise. Poe has written many stories but two stories that are well loved are The Tale-Tell heart and […]

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This month I chose the word tranquil. The reason for this is because as the rest of my classmates were struggling with college applications, I felt more at peace which allowed me t0 relax and not stress about my applications. Furthermore, I felt as though the band concert I was a part of went very […]

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To The People I Love (AOM)

To Kaiser I still remember us standing there Awkward freshmen, not knowing what to wear Once I heard you speak I knew my future was less bleak You make band never boring to attend Because back then I knew I found a friend It’s always the best when we talk about Star Wars We always […]

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Word Of The Month

Over this month my entire life has felt very busy. Whether it was studying for the ACT or SAT, or it was starting my college apps, it always seemed like I had something to do. My extracurricular activities have been wanting all of my time as well. In the month of October, I played the […]

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A Hopeful Eve

A Hopeful Eve I stepped out of my car in the parking lot of a popular pizza parlor at around 5:00. I thought I might be late, but at that moment my date, a woman named Amanda that I met on an online dating website, sent me a text message saying that she was going […]

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